"The Night Doesn't Belong to Us" is a female-led, socially engaged photographic collective founded by photographer Eilís Walsh in 2021. Supported by the 2023 Agility Award from the Arts Council of Ireland, the collective explores the concerns and experiences of women navigating Limerick City after dark through lens-based media.
The project, conceived by Eilís Walsh during the pandemic, was developed in collaboration with photographers Maria McSweeney and Julie McLoughlin. It seeks to shed light on safety concerns faced by women in Limerick City. Using a social media survey, the team gathered responses from over 130 women to identify six locations deemed the most unsafe at night.
The resulting work consists of twelve photographs, featuring six women of varying ages and backgrounds depicted in these identified areas during the day and night, emphasizing the stark contrast in perceived safety. Anonymous stories from 15 other women about their personal safety experiences were also collected and displayed alongside the photographs, both in exhibitions and via social media.
This work has been exhibited at The People’s Museum of Limerick, Mary Immaculate College, and the University of Limerick.
The Night Doesn't Belong to Us, University of Limerick, Limerick (Upcoming Feb 2025)
The Night Doesn't Belong to Us, The Peoples Museum of Limerick, Limerick
The Night Doesn't Belong to Us, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick