The Farm
Painting the silage bales and making them into a big board game
Sitting in the bucket of the tractor in the evening time
The handlebars of my bike coming off down the lane
A wasp getting caught in my hair and Daisy eating it
Playing the monster game running down the field
The tree house and making a teepee at the river
The well and fulacht fiadh in the rush's field
The time I let the cattle into the silage field
The gate that we pretended was the school bus
Daisy and Rex chasing the goats
Granny Nell's old house

The Garden
The vegetable patches with our handprints and the raspberry bushes
Saving up all our coins to buy the climbing frame and slide
The septic tank cover that was a home for dodge ball
The chocolate factory puddle with the Twomey's
Our pretend Chinese restaurant China Chi
The Cummer and Clara's shoe falling in
The back of the shed that smelled like oil
Clara falling off the orange swing
The water fights on the slide
The swingy tree
The fuchsia nest
The sand pit

The House
The attic door in the bathroom were the Christmas presents lived
When we put stickers on the roof from the upstairs windows
The arch in the wall going down to the living room
The diamond window and the door on the latch
Falling down the stairs in my new school shoes
The kittens being born in the shelf in the shed
The windows that looked like eyes
The big food cupboard
The high ceilings
The slide robes

I Forget to Remember
Mosaic, Student Forum Publication Launch, Douglas Hyde Gallery,  Dublin​​​​​​​

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